Sunday, April 13, 2008

Amidst the Turmoil

I got this message from Tim DeYoung, the Haiti director for MMI: (his blog is insightful about what's really happening there)
I just got a chance to read your blog. Had looked forward to meeting you and having you get to know a bit about what life is like here in Haiti. Based on what i saw today and the talk on the streets, there are protests planned for Monday, but now that the PM resigned an hour or so ago, who knows. At the airport dropping a friend off who was here for a "vacation" I met up with a number of missionary groups who are trying to get their volunteers out. It was a bi t chaotic. I am glad i am not in their shoes.
I spoke with Leanne the other day about trying to run the project later in May. She has some conflicts, but I think by then this will have quieted down. Gas and Diesel are now a shortage and we are all waiting to see what happens next. Embassys continue to send out warnings and travel info. I really feel bad about this whole thing. At times its just out of my hands. This came out of no where. In the past days friends and i have been talking about how rare that this flared up with no warning and how fast things got so bad. It was really a shocker. Every one was caught off guard.
I will keep you informed about future info if you would like.
The struggle i face now is how non-productive i am. This would have been our first project of the year. Things were really planned out well for this one. Partners were all looking forward to our visit and new partnerships were formed only now to be put on hold. Well take care and look forward to reading more about Catalyst F.


Timothy DeYoung
MMI Haiti Director
Visit my blog site for photos and stories:

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