Sunday, January 18, 2009

Cost Cutting

Nonprofits sometimes struggle to justify leadership development. It may be a lack of funds, time, or inclination; though the reason given is almost always budget. One of the things that motivates us is to challenge those excuses by lessening the costs to access high quality training.

In our current economic uncertainty many charities are facing declining donations. This week I heard of a number of layoffs in the sector, particularly in the US. The temptation is to cut things deemed nonessential, with staff development among the first to go.

Nonprofit guru Peter Brinckerhoff offered his take on these tough times on his blog. For the most part I agree with him, though the rawness with which he addresses staffing cuts grinds against my heart; but I suspect he's right.

What are your favourite nonprofits doing to manage these days? What are you encouraging them to do?

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